UDR Inc. is set to reveal its earnings shortly, amidst fluctuating stock performances. The firm has both outperformed and underperformed competitors on various occasions. Various investors like Toronto Dominion Bank and Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan Trust Fund have restructured their positions, with the latter selling UDR shares. Azure is offering a public preview of its UDR route management and the company announced its Q2 2024 earnings release and conference call date. Significant stock acquisitions and sales have been observed, with Vanguard Group Inc. acquiring over 233,000 shares and UDR CEO Thomas Toomey selling 90,000 shares. The firm's stock rating was upgraded by BMO Capital Markets, and it recently purchased multiple properties in Texas. Fidelis Capital Partners and Duality Advisers have made new investments. State Board of Administration of Florida Retirement System boosted their stake in UDR. Despite some challenges in occupancy and costs, the company has declared increased dividends, and has received approval for a residential high-rise in Turtle Creek. Critically, UDR published its fifth Annual Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report, earning recognition by GRESB as a 2023 Regional Sector Leader.
Udr UDR News Analytics from Fri, 25 Jan 2019 08:00:00 GMT to Sun, 28 Jul 2024 12:55:08 GMT - Rating 0 - Innovation 4 - Information 6 - Rumor 2